
Our roadmap outlines the key milestones and objectives of Alpha Insight: Pioneering the Future of DeFi

Q3 2023

  • Brand building and establishing online presence

  • Creating awareness and community engagement

  • Release of the Alpha Insight bot

  • Conducting a fair launch event

  • Implementing tier 2 marketing strategies

  • Obtaining Coingecko and Marketcap listings

Q4 2023

  • Forging strategic partnerships

  • Executing tier 3 marketing campaigns

  • Limited release of $AI NFTs

  • Major update to the Alpha Insight bot

  • 10,000 wallets collected

  • Securing a top 20 listing on a major exchange

  • Launching the Alpha Insight Signals feature

  • Implementing payment tiers for enhanced user experience

Q1 2024

  • 30,000 wallets collected

  • Releasing the Alpha Insight Dapp for enhanced functionality

  • Achieving a top 10 listing on a major exchange

  • Conducting further testing and implementing new features based on user feedback

Q2 2024

  • To Be Announced (TBA)

Last updated